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  • Je t'aime, Paris

    Paris. City of lights. City of Romance. Capital of Fashion. We had quite a few fashionable moments. It is the first city I have ever visited in my life (when I was 6 Months old) so it has a special...

    New York, New York

    NewYorkNewYork what can i say about you that haven't already been said?! The city that never rest, the lights that always light you the way, the massive amount of people wandering around the blocks and squares. You can always find...

    Girl in Black

    It's almost winter time, so the skies are gray and my outfits going darker! Black is always a good idea. But i wanted to give the outfit a little edge, so i went with black pieces that has a twist-...


    Fashion Week is always a busy week! I was at two fashion shows a day, so I had to really plan ahead my outfits so I won't repeat anything or look like anyone else in there. I must say, it...


    One of the main clichès in fashion is thinking that expensive mean beautiful, that being fashionable means spending great amounts of money. Sure there is those items or brands that we all wish we could afford, but it is not...

    Who Am I

    I AM Dana Zarmon. Since 1992, passionate about fashion, art, food, travel and anything that relates to the good life as a matter of fact. My personal style isn’t something I can explain or classify in one word, or one...